Bone-Holding Forceps: The Swiss Army Knife Of Surgical Instruments

Submitted by: Gary Gordon

High-quality care comes from using high-quality instruments, such as Bone-Holding Forceps, whose performance outshines ordinary surgical tools, without breaking your budget. If you’re looking to replace or add new tools to your hospital or office, our forceps are a welcomed addition because of their performance and price. With prices significantly lower than the suggested retail price, look to our forceps for excellence in their economical and surgical performance.

Advantages of Bone-Holding Forceps include, but are not limited to, the following:

o Necessary surgical tool – Performs specific operating tasks and frees hands for use during simultaneous surgical applications

o High performance — Ability to hold, stabilize, rotate, reduce or compress bone

o Flexible working conditions – Variety of designs for use in numerous surgical procedures

o Great quality — Made of high quality stainless steel for durability in sterilization procedures

o Great economic value — Significant discount off suggested retail price

Bone-Holding Forceps are a necessity in most hospitals and operating rooms because of their unique design and technical applications. These tools can perform tasks that cannot be performed with ordinary or common forceps. Depending on their design, you can use these tools simultaneously in a combination with many other surgical tools, freeing up your hands in order to perform other techniques during surgery.

Because of their ability to perform consistently procedure after procedure, these high performance Bone-Holding Forceps demonstrate the superior ability to hold, stabilize, rotate, reduce, and even compress compact bone tissue, which cannot be done by any other surgical instrument.

Bone-Holding Forceps are available in a variety of specifications and designs, to provide unmatched flexibility in the operating room, so you are assured to have the right tool to perform most orthopedic procedures which require their use. Our forceps are manufactured with a serrated jaw, which is used to grasp, position or compress bone, or with a probe-tip and connectors as in the Lambotte Bone Holding Forceps, which allows for further dexterity in orthopedic procedures. Sizes range from 6 inches to 13 inches in length, which gives you the flexibility of having the right tools for specific tasks. Lane Bone Holding Forceps are available with plain or serrated tips so they can perform specific tasks successfully. Some forceps are designed to include a built-in ratchet, which allows you to reposition or rotate bone without relying on additional tools or equipment.

Hospitals need tools that are made of high-quality materials in order to meet the demands of surgeons and patients who expect the highest quality of medical care. This is why our Bone-Holding Forceps are made of high quality stainless steel. This assures that you will get the most out of your instruments because they will withstand frequent sterilization procedures use after use. Relying on dependable equipment gives you confidence in the operating room and in your budget, because you won’t have to spend money replacing your equipment as often as lesser quality products.

With the variety of surgical instruments available in today’s medical market place, “the right tool, for the right job” is a statement which can not be understated, especially when it comes to the well being of patients.

About the Author: To learn more visit our surgical instruments and equipment section or read more about the applications for

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